1. Read the following text about the impact of the man in the environment. underline the most important 5 ideas.



Effect of Human Activities on The Environment



Human beings form an integral part of the Environment and have the greatest ecological footprint. We have resourcefully restructured all aspects of earthly life. This has influenced Human evolution, from the very first Human ancestors to our modern-day selves, and indeed, we have come a long way through nearly two million years of evolution. From advances in man's social behavior to accomplishing new feats in various fields, we always strive to provide a better standard of living for civilization. However, Humans are very much a part of the Environment we live in, and our mostly well-intended actions have far-reaching side Effects on the entire ecosystem and Environment. In this article, we explore the various Human Activities that destroy the Environment.


The Environment has suffered for thousands of years due to Human Activities. Since as Homo sapiens we first walked the earth, there have been several modifications on the planet and around us through the development of infrastructure, travel, and the incorporation of urbanization and other commercial networks.  The change, however, has been both positive and negative—and likely for the betterment resulting in the worse at some point in time.




2. Do the exercise and review the vocabulary related to the planet.


3. Copy and paste the following link on google and practice your vocabulary about the conservation of the planet  or practice it directly here.




4. Listen to the following audio and write 5 ideas from it.